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Check or delete your Chrome browsing history - Google Help
Your History lists the pages you've visited on Chrome in the last 90 days. It doesn't store: Chrome pages like chrome://settings; Pages you’ve visited in private browsing; Deleted pages from your browsing history; Tip: If you’re signed in to Chrome and sync your history, then your History also shows pages you’ve visited on your synced ...

Manage & delete your Search history - Computer - Google Help
On your computer, go to your Search history in My Activity. Choose the Search history you want to delete. You can choose: All your Search history: Above your history, click Delete Delete all time. A specific time period: Above your history, click Delete Delete custom range. A specific day: Next to the day, click Delete all activity from [day] .

Access & control activity in your account - Computer - Google Help
Under "History settings," click My Activity. To access your activity: Browse your activity, organized by day and time. To find specific activity, at the top, use the search bar and filters. Manage your activity. Get details about activity To view details about an item: At the bottom of the item, select Details. You'll find the date and time of ...

Delete your activity - Computer - Google Account Help
Under "History settings," click an activity or history setting you want to auto-delete. Click Auto-delete. Click the button for how long you want to keep your activity Next Confirm to save your choice. Tip: Some activity may expire sooner than the time frame you choose. For example, location info about your device’s general area and IP ...

View a map over time - Google Earth Help
Current imagery automatically displays in Google Earth. To discover how images have changed over time or view past versions of a map on a timeline: On your device, open Google Earth.

Find & manage Translate history - Computer - Google Help
You can save your Google Translate history to find the meanings of words or phrases you translate. Your saved translations sync across your devices. The Translate app syncs your history from your device to the cloud. When you’re signed in, your translations automatically save to the cloud. You can manage your saved history in My Activity.

Find new games or games you've played - Google Play Help
Find & play recent games. Open the Play Games app .; Tap Library.; To play one, tap Play.; Find games you played using another account

Delete browsing data in Chrome - Computer - Google Help
Download history: The list of files you've downloaded using Chrome is deleted, but the actual files aren't removed from your computer. Passwords: Records of passwords you saved are deleted. Autofill form data: Your Autofill entries are deleted, including addresses and credit cards. Cards and addresses saved in your Google Account aren't deleted.

Manage your Google Meet call history
Tip: History on the home screen shows only the last call you had with a contact, whether or not it was a Meet call or a legacy call. Export your call history. On your computer, go to Meet. Select an option: At the top right, click Settings Call history Export your history. This will take you to Google Takeout. Go to Google Takeout.

Manage your Google data with My Activity - Google Account Help
Access and manage your search history and activity in one central place from any device. View and filter activity by date, product, and keyword. Manually or automatically delete some or all activity. You can delete individual items, activity from a certain time frame, or all activity.




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