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BY Gregory A. Smith
particular” when asked about their religious identity. Self-identified Christians of all varieties (including Protestants, Catholics, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Orthodox Christians) make up 63% of the adult population. Christians now outnumber religious “nones” by a ratio of a little more than two-to-one.

religious identity, including physical coercion or being singled out with the intent of making life or religious practice more difficult. Policies that specifically have an adverse effect on particular religious groups, or negative public comments or characterizations about religious groups by

Religious affiliation of members of 117th Congress
Religious affiliation of members of 117th Congress State District Name Party Continuing/freshman Denominational family AK At-large Don Young R Continuing Episcopalian AK Senator Dan Sullivan R Continuing Catholic AK Senator Lisa Murkowski R Continuing Catholic AL 1 Jerry Carl R Freshman Baptist AL 2 Barry Moore R Freshman Baptist

More Americans Than People in Other Advanced Economies Say
more religious countries, roughly one - in-six people say their own religious faith has grown due to the pandemic. In Canada, 13% say their religious faith has become stronger because of COVID -19. And in other countries surveyed, one-in-ten or fewer report deeper faith due to the coronavirus outbreak. The pandemic has led to the . cancellation of

U.S.Religious Landscape Survey - Pew Research Center's Religion ...
interpret the teachings of their religion. This openness to a range of religious viewpoints is in line with the great diversity of religious affiliation, belief and practice that exists in the United States, as documented in a survey of more than 35,000 Americans that comprehensively examines the country’s religious landscape.

FOR RELEASE JULY 23, 2019 - Pew Research Center's Religion & Public ...
The religious composition of Thailand, Indonesia and Ethiopia 37 The size of U.S. religious minorities 38 Knowledge about atheism and agnosticism 39 Knowledge about religion in the U.S. Constitution 41 2. Factors linked with religious knowledge 42 More education is linked with more religious knowledge 43

FOR RELEASE OCT. 17, 2019 - pewforum.org
2007 and 2014 Religious Landscape Studies, click here. 2 Most of Pew Research Center’s recent surveys in the United States have been conducted on the American Trends Panel, a nationally representative panel of randomly selected U.S. adults. If the next Religious Landscape Study is conducted using a self-administered mode of

In America, Does More Education Equal Less Religion?
High religious observance is defined as saying religion is very important in one’s life, attending religious services at least once a week, praying at least once a day, and believing in God with absolute certainty. Medium religious observance is defined as saying religion is somewhat

earlier, while Hispanics have grown as a share of all three religious groups. Racial and ethnic minorities now make up 41% of Catholics (up from 35% in 2007), 24% of evangelical Protestants (up from 19%) and 14% of mainline Protestants (up from 9%). Religious intermarriage also appears to be on the rise: Among Americans who have gotten married

The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society
role of women. It also looks at Muslims’ views on religious extremism and religious conflict in their country. Finally, the report takes advantage of prior Pew Research surveys of Muslims in the United States to compare the views of U.S. Muslims with the views of Muslims worldwide. The global survey of Muslims was conducted in two waves.




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